
Ruut Veenhoven (1942-2024) was a pioneer in the scientific study of human happiness. His first publication on the subject was in 1970, when he studied sociology at Erasmus University of Rotterdam in The Netherlands. In 1984 he reviewed the available research in ‘Conditions of Happiness’. This work laid the basis for the World Database of Happiness, which is on the internet since 1999. Veenhoven was a founding editor of the Journal of Happiness Studies that is published since 2000.

Foundation for the Study of Happiness 

The Foundation for the Study of Happiness serves to ensure the continued availability of the World Database of Happiness on internet and to support use and further development of this findings archive

World Database of Happiness: Archive of research findings on subjective enjoyment of life


Aims of the Foundation for the Study of Happiness

  1. Safeguard the continued availability of the World Database of Happiness on the internet.
  2. Secure that the latest version of that database made under the responsibility of the founder is saved separately and kept available on the internet and in appropriate data archives. Encourage that links to this original are made from later off-shoots.
  3. Promote further development and updating of the World Database of Happiness and facilitate the use of the collection.
  4. In that context, supervise spending from the Support Fund for the World Database of Happinessthat is administered by the Erasmus University Trustfund and eventually propose projects to be financed by this fund.
  5. Maintain a website on which the publications of the founder are available, preferably his complete homepage.
  6. If all the above needs no further support, advance the study of happiness in other ways.

Board (at 1-3-2023):

Members of the board receive no pay. 


The foundation monitors the current availability and development of the World Database of Happiness and acts whenever this accessibility is at stake (for more information check yearly reports provided by the founding director of the database). By maintaining contact with Erasmus University's staff and volunteers preserving the WDH, the foundation remains informed about the status of the WDH,  managing the funds to keep the WDH available.

Financial Statement 

The foundation depends on donations. Its start capital was a donation by the founder of the World Database of Happiness. 


The foundation is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in Rotterdam.

The Netherlands under number 24416175.

Its fiscal number (RSIN) is 8180.92.440

The Foundation for the Study of Happiness has been recognized by the Dutch Tax Authorities as a ‘public benefit organisation’ (in Dutch 'algemeen nut bevorderende instelling'). This means that the foundation does not have to pay tax on legacies or periodic donations.

Annual Report 


Bank Details 

Bank: Triodos Bank
IBAN: NL13TRIO0320558517
Postal address: Triodos Bank, Postbus 55, 3700AB Zeist, The Netherlands


The foundation received the 2021 Award for the Betterment of the Human Condition by the International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS).
